Puerto Rico Public Health Trust – new2020-11-06T15:39:48-04:00
  1. Pruebas Positivas Últimos 14días
  2. Encuesta de Colaboración para promoción de Salud
  3. Análisis datos COVID-19: Equipo de Modelación Matemática-Epidemiológica (EMME)
  4. Entrevista exclusiva con el Dr. Jorge L. Santana Bagur, Catedrático de Medicina e Infectología del Recinto de Ciencias Médicas de la UPR; contesta todas las preguntas sobre el COVID-19. Encuesta de Colaboración para promoción de Salud
    Vea la explicación correcta y precisa, sobre lo que es el Coronavirus (COVID-19), cómo se contagia y cómo podemos prevenirlo.
  5. Cápsulas Informativas COVID-19.
    Vea preguntas específicas sobre el COVID-19
  6. COVID-19, el lugar de trabajo y el hogar: ¿Qué debemos saber y hacer?
  7. Artículos Relevantes / Relevant Articles
  8. Eventos y Webinars / Upcoming Webinars and Events
  9. COVID19 CARES Act

Entrevista Dr. Jorge L. Santana Bagur Catedrático de Medicina e Infectología Recinto de Ciencias Médicas- UPR

Cápsulas Informativas sobre el COVID-19

Dr. Jorge L. Santana Bagur Catedrático de Medicina e Infectología Recinto de Ciencias Médicas- UPR

COVID-19, el lugar de trabajo y el hogar: ¿Qué debemos saber y hacer?
Presentación por: Brenda Rivera-García, DVM, MPH, Americares Puerto Rico Director

Presentación Conferencia Magistral
Telemedicina y Telesalud
La nueva realidad ante el COVID-19

En tiempos del COVID-19, se ha demostrado la importancia de promover los servicios de salud a través de Telemedicina y Telesalud en Puerto Rico.  Esta metodología permite el acceso rápido a los profesionales de salud, maximizando tiempo, servicios y alcance.

Conferencia Magistral: Desenredando los Conceptos de las Pruebas Covid-19 Moleculares Y Serológicas

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Got Questions? / ¿Tienes Preguntas?

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Public Health Week Blogs

Blogs Semana de Salud Pública

605, 2024

Respondiendo al Aumento del Nivel del Mar en Puerto Rico

En el vigésimo quinto aniversario del Mega Viernes Civil, celebrado el pasado 5 de abril de 2024, se presentó a más de 70 ingenieros y agrimensores un enfoque sobre las implicaciones de promover un cambio cultural en Puerto Rico y el Caribe, dirigido a construir resiliencia, adaptarse y prosperar frente al desafío del aumento del nivel del mar. Se exploraron aspectos y consideraciones relevantes para la toma de decisiones, incluyendo herramientas tecnológicas desarrolladas para investigar e informar nuestras decisiones ante los cambios provocados por el calentamiento global, específicamente el aumento del nivel del mar.

2704, 2024

Pasadías entre historias, música y agricultura

Pasadías entre historias, música y agricultura Presentan libros que sanan Hoy, sábado 27 de abril, de 2:00 pm a 5:00 pm, el Fideicomiso de Salud Pública de Puerto Rico, un programa del Fideicomiso para Ciencia, Tecnología e Investigación, presentará los libros infantiles “Lluyú y Los Vejigantes Valientes”. La presentación especial tendrá lugar en el emblemático Parque Histórico Cueva María de la Cruz, en Loíza. Ver Artículo Completo Acerca del Fideicomiso para Ciencia, Tecnología e Investigación de Puerto Rico El Fideicomiso para Ciencia, Tecnología e Investigación de Puerto Rico, tal como se describe [...]


Achieve sustainable health equity in Puerto Rican communities and improve their quality of life through innovation, collaboration and community engagement.


Serve as trusted ally working with private and public partners to identify and execute community-led, evidence-based solutions.

Our Priorities

The Puerto Rico Public Health Trust (PRPHT) priorities improve public health capacity, systems and outcomes by fostering innovation, leveraging resources and building partnerships to improve the public’s health.

  • Emergency Preparedness, Recovery and Response
  • Chronic Disease: diabetes, obesity, etc.

  • Health Equity

  • Climate change

  • Mental Health

  • Opioid Epidemic

The PR Science, Technology and Research Trust (PRSTRT) is a 501(c)(3). PRSTRT was designated by the Puerto Rico legislature as Puerto Rico Public Health Institute.  The PRPHT has been set up as a program powered by the Trust and its mission, vision and objectives  was developed with  a group of collaborators that include participation from the P.R. Department of Health, Universities (including the UPR Medical Sciences Campus, Ponce Health Sciences University and Universidad Central del Caribe), Health Care Providers (including the Primary Care Association and the Hospital Association) and Businesses (including Impactivo Consulting and FDI Clinical Research).

The PRPHT has plans to carry out activities and programs for the health of the population. The PRPHT is led by an advisory board of public health experts from the US and Puerto Rico.

We aim to have an immediate and sustainable impact in the public health sector. In keeping with the efforts of our collaborators, the PRPHT endeavours to make a change and to create a positive and significant impact on the public’s health through its agility, capacity and commitment. The PRPHT’s main competencies are population-based health program delivery, fiscal/administrative management and public health expertise.

Our Reach

The PRPHT is focused on Puerto Rican communities within and outside of Puerto Rico. Due to their nature, some focus areas and initiatives will affect primarily the geographic region of the island of Puerto Rico (such as: emergency preparedness). Other initiatives will include the Puerto Rican diaspora living abroad.

Our Work

We have a strong community focus to improve the quality of life and achieve health equity in Puerto Rican communities. Concurrently, we plan to develop our capabilities and services to offer them to third parties (e.g. government and private sectors) in order for them to work more effectively and achieve their goals. Since 2018, we have launched two new programs: 1. Capacity Building for Jurisdictional Hurricane Recovery – Puerto Rico Staffing Enhancements; Facilitation of the hiring of over 100 staff for the PRDOH. 2. Hurricane Hub Technical Assistance Center; Coordination of workforce training and technical assistance.

“Hablemos de Salud Pública todo el tiempo”

We envision enabling leaders in all fields and areas of work in the community—such as churches, schools, businesses, academic institutions and municipalities—to challenge systems, tackle the root causes of health inequities, and build healthier communities in Puerto Rico.

Community engagement is a strategic process with the specific purpose of working with identified groups of people, whether they are connected by geographic location, special interest, or affiliation to identify and address issues affecting their well-being.

What we aim to:

  • Connect with communities
  • Listen to their needs
  • Partner for solutions

In Order to:

Catalyze fundamental activities in health and health care systems to achieve measurably better outcomes for all Puerto Ricans.

Enable all families to attain their optimal physical, social and emotional well-being, including growing up in a healthy community.

Create the conditions that allow communities and their residents to reach their greatest health potential addressing all social determinants of health.

Engage a diverse array of leaders in all sectors with the vision, experience, and drive to help build a Culture of Health.

Activities will include:

  • Participating in Community Conversations
  • Facilitation of the growth of local heath coalitions
  • Mapping of Assets and Data
  • Identification of community leaders and enhancement of their leadership skills. Positions identified such as Promotores de Salud/ Community Health Workers and Community Research Liaisons.
  • Understanding existing community networks (community and system), strengths and gaps.
  • Identification of health priorities via data collection; using Promotores, comunitarios and Community Based Participatory Research practices.
  • Supporting the needed infrastructure, resources and technology to meet identified needs.
  1. Hurricane Response Hub (HUB)
  2. Caribbean Strong 2019
  3. Proyecto Agua Limpia
  4. ASTHO and the Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust are supporting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Puerto Rico Department of Health in the shared work of rebuilding Puerto Rico’s public health infrastructure and capacity. Through the Capacity Building for Jurisdictional Hurricane Recovery – Puerto Rico Staffing Capacity Enhancements project, these partners are directly hiring and managing administrative and technical experts within the jurisdiction to work alongside the Puerto Rico Department of Health staff to accomplish recovery activities and implement health programs during a two-year period. Activities are focused around the areas of environmental health, community risk mitigation, death registry processes, healthcare infection control surveillance and prevention, vector-borne diseases and disaster reconstitution management funding.

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite R21 applications proposing the innovative analysis of existing (publicly available) nationally representative U.S. cross-sectional and longitudinal data, to investigate novel scientific ideas and/or to generate new models, systems, tools, methods, or technologies that have the potential for significant impact on biomedical or biobehavioral research in areas relevant to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – Center for Tobacco Products (CTP). Other publicly available data sets would be considered depending on the analyses to be conducted; however, nationally representative analyses will receive priority. Applications not using nationally representative data sets will need to provide justification why the data set is unique, and why the research questions cannot be answered from a (publicly available) nationally representative data set. This FOA encourages the analyses of public use datasets that may inform tobacco regulatory actions in the United States (U.S.).

The awards under this FOA will be administered by NIH using funds that have been made available through FDA-CTP and the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (P.L. 111-31). Research results from this FOA are expected to generate findings and data that are directly relevant in informing the FDA’s regulation of the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of tobacco products to protect public health. Research Projects must address the research priorities related to the regulatory authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products (CTP).

Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards

The number of awards is contingent upon funding availability, submission of a sufficient number of meritorious applications, and programmatic priority.

NIH, via support from the FDA Center for Tobacco products (CTP), intends to fund up to 5 R21s, corresponding to a total of $1.0 million for fiscal year 2020.  Future year amounts will depend on availability of funds.

Award Budget

The combined budget for direct costs for the entire project period may not exceed $275,000. No more than $200,000 in direct cost may be requested in any single year.

Award Project Period

The maximum project period is 2 years.

Our Advisory Committee

José F. Cordero, MD, MPH, FAAP, FACMG

 Ronald L. Quincy, PHD

Richard J. Cohen, PhD, FACHE

Lt. Col. Wilson Ariza

Dr. Antonia Novello

Our Team

Leslie Maas

Dr. Martin Montoya

Lupe Vázquez

Sara E Miller

Dr. José Rodríguez Orengo

Elizabeth Vale

Camelia Jiménez

Maribel Pagán

Karimar Colón De La Rosa

Maureen Rosado

Bryan Valentín González

Thank you for considering donating funds to the Puerto Rico Public Health Trust. Your donation will help us further our vision and mission.

Get Involved!

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We are a proud member of the National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI), which advances public health practice and improving population health through technical assistance, education, evaluation, and stakeholder convenings that give everyone a seat at the table.



News Blog

Contact/ Contacto

Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust
PO Box 363475
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3475

105 Carr. #21, Km. 0.8 Bo. Monacillo
San Juan, PR 00927

Elizabeth Vale Rivera, MBA
Directora de Comunicaciones
(Communications Manager)
Cel: 787-691-3463
Tel: 787-523-5651

Dr. Martín Montoya
Director de Operaciones
(Operations Director)
Cel: 787-469-7926
Tel: 787-523-5651

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