Caribbean Center for Rising Seas2024-07-23T17:56:45-04:00

Our Mission

Prepare Puerto Rico and the Caribbean to adapt and thrive in the new era of increasing flood risk from storms, tides, and sea level rise. This new program of the Puerto Rico Science Trust will further establish Puerto Rico’s leadership and stature as a center of excellence and innovation.

Sea level rise has passed the tipping point

Sea level rise has passed the tipping point

The Problem

in coastal communities all over the world. “100-year storms” and deluge rains are happening every couple of years.

It is accelerating and can no longer be stopped. Estimates now range from a foot higher by mid-century to as much as 8 feet higher by the end-of-century.

even a few inches of higher sea level can cause flood waters to enter buildings and cause major damage to infrastructure.

with billions of dollars of assets going underwater.

Pretending it’s not going to happen, will not do any good.

Pretending it's not going to happen, will not do any good.

Our Solutions

The Center’s focus will be on “resiliency + adaptation”, promoting design guidelines and best practices for the built environment to better prepare communities for increased flooding. The four primary areas of focus will be:

as guidelines for coastal design, planning, and engineering that include a margin-of-safety over the latest projections for flooding.

such as architecture, engineering, finance, and legal.

  • Create educational courses and workshops to teach the latest scientific understandings and best practices.
  • Develop a global resource hub and online database with critical information and adaptation solutions.
  • Hold Caribbean regional conferences engaging private sector, government, and science/academia.

that will ensure more durable buildings, infrastructure, and communities.

Puerto Rico will be a model for the Caribbean and the world.

Puerto Rico will be a model for the Caribbean and the world.

Program Benefits

Puerto Rico has the advantage of high elevation

Puerto Rico has the advantage of high elevation

This makes Puerto Rico an ideal location to pioneer this program.

Our Initiatives

2806, 2024

Advancing Environmental Justice: Support and Collaboration in Coastal Communities in Puerto Rico

June 28th, 2024|

The Caribbean Center for Rising Seas is leading a vital initiative with the PRSTRT, NASA and the Global Resilience Institute to address environmental challenges in La Margarita, Salinas. This [...]

1005, 2024

Visit by the International Committee of the State Managers Association for Floodplain Dialogues

May 10th, 2024|

The Caribbean Center for Sea Level Rise acted as co-host for an expedition to Puerto Rico by the International Committee of Floodplain Managers. The week-long visit, which extended to [...]

3110, 2023

Agricultural Sustainability in the Face of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise.

October 31st, 2023|

This Meetup explores the challenges and opportunities that sea level rise and climate change pose to agriculture in Puerto Rico. Also how these phenomena are affecting our land, our crops and ultimately the food security of our island.

Fernando Pabón AIA,CAAPPR
Program Director

Gilberto Guevara, MBA
Senior Manager

María Gabriela Méndez
Urban & Regional Planning Specialist

Carlos I. Gómez Borges
Engineering Specialist

Francisco V. Aquino Serrano
Policy and Legislation Manager

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