Upcoming Webinars and Events: Relevant to COVID-19
Xavier Ocasio2020-07-22T16:02:22-04:00In an emergency, how do you share potentially life-saving information with those people who are hardest to reach?
In an emergency, how do you share potentially life-saving information with those people who are hardest to reach?
When we made the decision to cancel the National [...]
Psychological First Aid: Addressing Mental Health Distress During Disasters [...]
In an emergency, how do you share potentially life-saving information with those people who are hardest to reach?
In an emergency, how do you share potentially life-saving information with those people who are hardest to reach?
Emergency planning is critical for all, but especially for at-risk populations, as they depend on others planning for them and helping to keep them safe.
Taller "Death Certificate Technical Training".
Taller "Destrezas Psicológicas para la Recuperación" con la Dra. Grace M. Viñas Joy.
Taller "La Salud Publica en los Refugios para Desastres" con el Dr. Miguel Cruz.
Workshop about Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) with Dr. Diego Zavala.
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