Recommendations to government platforms 2024

Puerto Rico’s innovation agenda

The Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research of Puerto Rico outlines its commitment to promoting Puerto Rico’s innovation agenda, for the Governor candidates of the different political parties of Puerto Rico. Attached are the documents proposed as important actions for science, technology and research, which are vital to strengthen economic development, citizen welfare and workforce development.

The PRSTRT is dedicated to fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration, confident that these joint efforts will lead to significant progress for the community.

The statement also mentions that recommendations have been shared with the four gubernatorial candidates of Puerto Rico to be considered in their government platforms.

The innovation proposals include:

  1. A program to implement the strategies of the PRBio Tech Hub Technology Center.
  2. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Systems Programs in Puerto Rico.
  3. A program to promote Research and Development (R&D) and the Business Ecosystem.
  4. A proposal to expand the Research Grant Program.
  5. A public policy proposal to address climate change related to rising sea levels.

Additionally, a preliminary document with recommendations for Puerto Rico’s artificial intelligence (AI) strategy is included, as it is considered an essential topic for the government’s agenda.

Eng. Lucy Crespo

Propuesta para ser incluidas en las plataformas de gobierno

Puerto Rico AI Strategy