Impact Report
Puerto Rico is an innovation hub
The Trust drives innovation through more than 16 programs, rooted in our strategic pillars.
Overcoming this fiscal year’s challenges, our programs and teams have achieved great things, demonstrating our organization’s resilient spirit and adaptability.
Research & Development
Cumulative grants
Grantees since program inception
Return of funding
inventions disclosures evaluated by TTO
entrepreneurs in 2023 marking a 36.9% increase compared to 2022
Fase1 members, with 578 new registrations on online academy
graduated startups from Parallel18
Parallel18 grants funding distributed among Generation11, for 19 startups from 19 countries.
Public Health
new funds obtained by the Puerto Rico Vector Control Unit and the P.R. Public Health Trust, a great achievement for public health pillar
active studies for clinical trials for the Puerto Rico Consortium for Clinical Investigation that secured three clinical trials and seven active partnerships more this fiscal year
members in 3 health networkts that P.R. Public Health Trust establish, and also deployed 43 community health workers accross 29 municipalities
outreach and education activities executed by the P.R. Vector Control Unit
retention rate of participants in all STEM Workforce programs
target goal for Puerto Rico Ready
meetups attendees with 51 subject matter experts in 6 meetups
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We Are The Trust
Our achievements over the past 18 years are the product of commitment from every one of our employees and program members. The human talent that we have attracted and retained is the engine of each successful initiative and project.
At the Trust, we believe and work to create a better future for Puerto Rico. Our 2022-2023 Annual Report shows the impact of our programs in the areas of Research, Entrepreneurship, Public Health and Workforce Development.