
We provide support to researchers and entrepreneurs with innovative technologies in the commercialization of these innovations.


The Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR), (SBIR from here on), at the Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust (the Trust) is a program designed to support and empower researchers and entrepreneurs in bringing their innovative product concepts to market. By leveraging federal agency investments and the Trust’s Matching Funds, we strive to address critical priorities that will propel the growth of a robust Puerto Rican economy.


We are committed to supporting scientific excellence, technological innovation, research and development, and the commercialization of their outcomes. The program provides technical and commercialization expert advice while working with the innovative team in the search for non-dilutive funds to overcome the commercial viability risks associated with new technologies. Participants are also assisted in the submission of competitive proposals to the SBIR program in all agencies.

The business sector is where most innovations occur, but investing in innovation can be risky and expensive. For that reason, the federal government designates funds to allow small businesses to be in a better position so they can become more competitive.

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are:

Take advantage of the resources we have for you!

The Trust offers the community of scientific and high-tech entrepreneurs in Puerto Rico its SBIR/STTR Matching Grant Program to encourage small businesses and local researchers to compete for Phase I and II grants of the SBIR/STTR. Businesses that receive a federal SBIR / STTR Phase I grant will receive a dollar-for-dollar matching grant from the Trust, up to $100,000 and up to $200,000 for Phase II.


If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Juan Figueroa at [email protected]

Learn the basics of the Federal Government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants.

This course is aimed at entrepreneurs, academics, researchers, and university directors seeking to strengthen their equity financing strategies or enhance their institutions’ ability to increase equity through intellectual property and technology transfer.

This guide’s main purpose is to help you identify the following:

  • Are SBIR/STTR programs right for your innovation?
  • How can you research the opportunities to apply and the topics that agencies are looking for?
  • How can you prepare a winning proposal?

Access our webinar series in Spanish here:

How to write a proposal for SBIR/STTR

Accounting and finance for SBIR/STTR proposals

SBIR or STTR? What’s the best program for me?

Understanding the phases of the SBIR and STTR programs

Support system for SBIR/STTR applicants in Puerto Rico

SBIR Road Tour

Colmena66 and other SBIR support organizations have committed to creating a local support system that provides free or low cost services to entrepreneurs and researchers who want to compete for funding. Through multiple alliances, a process was created in which entrepreneurs or researchers are educated and supported from the beginning.

On November 15, 2019, the SBIR Road Tour was held in Puerto Rico. The program directors of the federal agencies held individual meetings with small businesses, there were a wide variety of panels where technology topics were discussed and they shared ideas about how federal agencies make funding decisions.

Check out what happened!

Take a look at the impact!

People registered
Individual meetings with federal agencies
People who completed the satisfaction form would participate in events on these topics in the future
People who completed the satisfaction form considers that they can benefit from the SBIR/STTR programs

Success Stories

Carlos A. Pinzón De La Rosa, Ph.D.

Ignacio Pino

Axel García
PRatian LLC

Carlos R. Cabrera

Idhaliz Flores

Ramoníta Díaz-Ayala

María Fernanda Levis
Impactivo LLC

Facts and figures since 1987:

Take a look at the impact!

Winning proposals
Phase l
Phase ll
Total of obtained funds

The efforts of the Trust have already shown remarkable results. Since the third quarter of 2015, 16 additional awards have been given to researchers and entrepreneurs in Puerto Rico. This is equivalent to 51% of the funds generated during the previous 30 years of Puerto Rico’s participation in the SBIR / STTR programs and 35% of the total awards received on the Island.

Lead by:

Supported by:

Contact Us

Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust
Postal Address:
PO Box 363475
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3475

Physical Address:
105 Carr. #21, Km. 0.8 Bo. Monacillo

San Juan, PR 00927

Phone & Fax:
Phone: 787-523-1592
Fax: 787-523-5610