We invest, facilitate and build capacity

to continually advance Puerto Rico’s economy and its citizens’ well-being through innovation-driven enterprises, science, technology, and public health.

Four Strategic Pillars and 16+ diverse programs

Research and Development


Public Health


Our Strategic Pillar

Research and Development

We create new technology, products, services, systems, or solutions. It is a process supported greatly by science that can generate new discoveries and knowledge to ultimately improve our lives.

Our R&D programs have impacted diverse sectors like research, biodiversity, transfer of technology, health, cultural heritage, agriculture, among others. Each program pushes to expand its field providing funding mechanisms, resources, mentorship, or other means to drive innovation.

Our Strategic Pillar


Entrepreneurship is essential for economic development.It fuels innovation and creates new jobs, industries, and markets. It also has the potential to improve lives, communities, and countries.

Our entrepreneurship programs provide a blueprint for how to support businesses in all their stages, stimulate their growth and build economic development.

Our Strategic Pillar

Public Health

Public health attempts to promote and protect the well being of people and their environment. This work is achieved by promoting healthy lifestyles, researching disease and prevention, environmental hazards and attending epidemics of infectious diseases.

Our public health programs operate based on evidence to make systematic improvements in the health of the population, increase access to health resources, and reduce inequalities in local communities.

Our Strategic Pillar


Innovation is a global force that demands continued adaptation and multi ectoral engagement. Through our base programs, we have the capacity to support all strategic areas: research and development, entrepreneurship, and public health.

These programs converge in different sectors and ecosystems to build capacity and propel innovation.

Puerto Rico is a
global innovation hub

Puerto Rico is a
global innovation hub

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